Consilior has optained the FINMA licence. The new Swiss Financial Services Act (FinSA) of 1 January 2020 ensures improved investor protection. It includes various regulatory provisions and obliges financial service providers to connect to an ombudspersons’ office, among other things. As of 1/1/2023, financial institutions may only act as wealth managers if they are licensed by FINMA.
Philippe Steiger, our grey eminence. He co-founded Consilior and has left a lasting mark on the company with his broad and varied experience. Now, he has finally taken his well-deserved retirement. We would like to thank our retiring Chairman of the Board of Directors for the many enriching years together and wish him all the best for the future.
A new face takes the helm: Georg Mosimann is the new Chairman of Consilior’s Board of Directors. Due to the departure of Philipp Steiger, the role had to be reassigned. We are pleased to have found the ideal candidate in Georg Mosimann. In addition to his functions at “Brodmann, Mosimann & Partners”, the strategic financial expert chairs numerous other international and local companies.
We are pleased to welcome you on our redesigned website. You will find well-structured information on our services and competencies as well as an overview of our team and their background. Under “Portrait” you can learn more about Consilior and find out why we have chosen a sextant as our new logo.